HAKOtte? is a survey of the street as a site of trade & social exchange, of our sense of value, and the appeal of boxes. 「箱って?」は、わたしたちの価値観や「箱」というものの謎めいた魅力、そして商業的・社会的な交流の場としての「まち」の関係を探ることを目的とした、スー・ヘイドゥのプロジェクトである。
Over the course of four days, the artist will barter boxes from her city of residence with boxes owned by local Sendai people in a quiet part of Ichiban-cho 4-chome shopping street. Each box comes with its own story. 4日間の会期中、一番町四丁目でヘイドゥがサイゴンから持参した箱と、仙台の人々が持ち寄った箱との「物々交換」が行われる。彼女と参加者との対話で交換されるのは、箱だけではなくその箱にまつわる記憶や物語なのだ。
This project is presented through Sendai Art City Project, Art Sendai Basho 2008. 「箱って?」はアート・プロジェクト「ART仙台場所2008」に参加するプロジェクトである。


Day3: 5/1

加藤 渉さん

KATO Wataru


Wataru's Box




Wataru arrived with an almond cookies box from Hong Kong. On the front of the box is a drawing of people baking almond cookies in the old days, and an illustration of a church in Macao. When Japanese travel they always bring souvenirs home for family and friends. When Wataru arrived in Hong Kong, he noticed that souvenirs at the airport are very expensive and that he would run out of money if he bought such things. Later, he found these almond cookies at a good price and bought quite a few packs.

Arriving back in Sendai, he opened a pack. The cookies were rather powdery, and not actually so tasty. But it was too late—he had already given them out as souvenirs! Then he realized that he had bought exactly the same souvenirs three years back. He vowed never to buy these cookies again.

On his first visit to Hong Kong, people would speak to Wataru in English, realizing that he was a foreigner, but on later trips, they spoke to him in Cantonese. He felt chuffed about this, as if he had somehow made it, as if he had succeeded in blending into Hong Kong.


Sue's Box (right)




One day when I arrived in my office in the university at which I teach, I found this box sitting on my desk. It had my name and address stuck on one side. It was quite delightful to open it, not knowing who it was from, but realizing that it was created by someone who understood the attraction of boxes. The box slides open, with a long box and a short box appearing on either side, a bit like drawers. The designer had printed instructions about this on one corner of the box. It was evidently designed, and carefully thought about. And it was evidently some kind of conceptual present. I loved it.

There were some gifts inside. One of them I have now forgotten, but also inside was one bright green perfect apple. Wow. However, I still did not know who exactly this box was from, and what it meant. Should I eat the apple? Could it be a gag? Could it be poisoned? In the end I chickened out, and decided not to eat it. I threw it away, a bit sad to be wasting a perfect apple like that.

Later I found out that the box was created by the first graduate of the multimedia department in which I teach. His company creates these conceptual presents at times when business is a bit quiet.

加藤 義靖さん

KATO Yoshiyasu


Yoshisyasu's Box (Left)



This box is a kind of traditional cup for drinking sake in Japan.

Mr. Kato used to enjoy this box until 31 years ago, drinking sake together with his wife.

She died at the age of 36, from cancer. He was left with three children.


Sue's Box (right)





When I travel and come across cute boxes I love to buy them and take them home to use as decorations. Traveling around Burma a few years ago, I found lots of little boxes sold in street-side stalls selling cosmetics or sex toys. They are all incredibly cheap, and the designs are often cute or humorous. This is a box of foundation for women.

A bit before my trip to Burma I had met a guy in Saigon. I found out on the very first night that we met that he was leaving in three weeks. Nevertheless, we became lovers and spent three intense weeks together. From time to time I would burst into tears, knowing that he was about to leave. I could tell that he was a bit in two minds about it, but anyway, on the set day, he left for a trip around Southeast Asia before settling in Thailand. We stayed in touch via email, and eventually decided that we would spend a month traveling around Burma together.

Our reunion in Bangkok was heady, and our first days in Rangoon were fun. Then one afternoon I sensed that his mood had changed. There was a coolness and a distance in him that was definitely new. Of course I asked about it, but he denied it. For the rest of the trip we skirted the real issue instead of being completely honest. I liked him a lot and wanted to be with him, so I put up with it, but I was pain most of the time and could not really enjoy our travels. I stayed with him the whole trip even though things were not right between us.

Later I felt that I should have been stronger and left him to travel around Burma alone, perhaps meeting up with him later in Bangkok. But I didn’t think of that at the time, and doubt I would have been that brave. Now I am glad that it did not work out between us. He left me free and eventually someone else came into my life. So perhaps he was right at the time. In any case, I want this box out of my life.

(c) 2008 hakotte project all right reserved.